Put More FOOD In Your Food

Filed under Diet

There are so many nonfoods on the market, people have lost the ability to make correct food choices. Billions of dollars have been spent on advertising in an effort to convince you that speed and convenience is better than quality. Here is a quick food-buying tip. If you need convincing to eat something, more than likely it is garbage. Good food does not need fancy advertising. How many commercials have you seen for Rolls Royce automobiles? They don’t need to advertise because everyone knows it is the best car that money can buy. How many commercials have you seen for organic fruits and vegetables? This is the same example. How many commercials do you see on a daily basis for fast food, boxed food, or fake food?  I rest my case.

You must establish a normal relationship with food. Your tastes and cravings for healthy foods must be reestablished. You must have a system for determining what foods are best for your individual metabolic type. You need to know what your metabolic type is.

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