Chakra Heal Your Way To Financial Success


It was a great run but we knew it had to end. The recent decline in real estate and the volatility of the stock market is eliciting bona fide “root chakra” stress.
The word chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel.  Liz Simpson in her book Chakra Healing says, “These spinning vortices of energy are a part of the subtle energy system which forms the ancient Indian approach to healing our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves”.
You may be asking “What do chakras have to do with you losing your shirt on Wall Street or real estate”? Keep reading for the answer.
At the least common denominator, everything in the universe is energy. The chakra system allows one to use energy to their advantage and help them heal and evolve in any area of their lives (this includes finances). Liz Simpson also said that “Each of the seven chakras deal with different parts of a bigger picture and directs us to those areas where we may be functioning out of balance.

There is a strong connection between the chakras and our physical body. The human body is a dynamic energy channel and all parts are associated with the 7 main chakras. The root chakra is located right in the “nether region” between anus and genitals. Structures associated with the root chakra are bones (specifically the pelvis, legs and feet). Common physical problems associated with root chakra imbalance are lower back pain and “sciatica” (pain that radiates down the leg). If you look at the structure of the sciatic nerve you will notice that it looks very similar to the “roots” of a tree”. Symbolically and emotionally, the root chakra is associated with safety and security and anything that could be a threat to it such as a sudden drop in income or any of threat to one’s livelihood.
A very important organ connected with the root chakra is the adrenal glands. These are the “flight or fight” organs in the body and play a major role maintaining normal body metabolism. Typical signs of adrenal stress are; poor sleep quality, Inability or difficulty losing weight, not having enough energy unless stimulants such as coffee and sugar are consumed. Root chakra stress in any form places a stress on the adrenals. Chronic adrenal stress leads to adrenal fatigue. One of the most common symptoms and or complaints associated with adrenal stress is chronic fatigue.

Again you ask, “How can this information help me make more of the green stuff?” Finally we get to the point at hand.
The Sure Fire Investment
In these times of economic uncertainty, investing in one’s health and wellness will always pay major dividends in the future. The universal law of attraction says that to get what we want in life, we must first be in alignment with our goal. The higher your level of health and vitality, the greater likelihood that you will become an “energy channel” to receive all that you want.

As we become out of balance with the stress of everyday life, we create blockages that literally block our ability to bring into reality what we want. When we lack vitality our energy channels are blocked on all levels (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).
Whether it be the teachings of Napoleon Hill or through Hindu healing philosophy, these principles hold true in helping you achieve optimal health, vitality and personal success in whatever form you choose. To have more we must first become more and living a Holistic Lifestyle will help you along this journey.

The 6 Foundational Principles of Holistic Living
1.    Thoughts:
In the popular documentary “The Secret”, Bob Proctor stated that the laws of the universe dictate that we become what we think about the most. It is from your thoughts that everything in your life is created. This holds true for positive or negative events. When you can fully wrap your head around this concept, you will control your life like a puppet on a string.

2.    Breathe:
Life begins with breath. Proper breathing sets the rhythm for all other body functions. Daily breathing exercise will make you efficient at bringing energy into your body.
3.    Hydration:
Adequate hydration is the foundation of good metabolic functions. The body is predominantly made of protein and water therefore the body is very sensitive to dehydration.
4.    Food:
Eating according to one’s metabolic type will allow the body to achieve optimal levels of health and vitality. Metabolic Typing has proven effective in weight loss and improving chronic health challenges.
5. Exercise:
Life is movement and a corrective exercise program will teach you how to be a master of your physical body.
6.    Sleep:
Sleep is vital to maintaining normal biological rhythms, which can affect weight loss, pain management and even hormone levels. The closer our body ‘s natural rhythms are to that of the earth and nature, the better we can fully express ourselves as healthy and evolved human beings.

What is your dream? Whatever it is, these six principles are your ticket to achieving them. Embrace the Holistic Lifestyle philosophy and use it to take charge of your destiny. ###

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