Get control over your wrinkles

fightwrinkles Strong and supple collagen tissue is the key to having healthy and youthful looking skin. Collagen health is largely dependent on proper hydration, therefore if you are not drinking enough water (not tea or or any other flavored fluid) you are starving your skin. Secondary to staying hydrated is to manage cortisol levels. In times of stress the body produces large amount of cortisol, which drives the body’s metabolic process into what is called gluconeogenesis. In plain English, this is when your body uses protein for energy. This protein can some from ANY protein source in the body. Skeletal muscle, glands and organs including your skin. Research has shown that the collagen in the skin is one of the first to be sacrificed when cortisol levels are high. Any hopes of tightening up that saggy skin, reducing cellulite and looking younger are all dependent on hydration and stress management. #managecortisol

Put More FOOD In Your Food

Filed under Diet

There are so many nonfoods on the market, people have lost the ability to make correct food choices. Billions of dollars have been spent on advertising in an effort to convince you that speed and convenience is better than quality. Here is a quick food-buying tip. If you need convincing to eat something, more than likely it is garbage. Good food does not need fancy advertising. How many commercials have you seen for Rolls Royce automobiles? They don’t need to advertise because everyone knows it is the best car that money can buy. How many commercials have you seen for organic fruits and vegetables? This is the same example. How many commercials do you see on a daily basis for fast food, boxed food, or fake food?  I rest my case.

You must establish a normal relationship with food. Your tastes and cravings for healthy foods must be reestablished. You must have a system for determining what foods are best for your individual metabolic type. You need to know what your metabolic type is.

A Tight Muscle Is A Weak Muscle

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A properly executed stretching program will produce fast gains in golf performance and here is why:

Flexibility, strength, and power are intimately connected but flexibility is the gatekeeper to achieving optimal strength and power. Our body has a protective mechanism that does not allow it to move beyond a point that it is not strong enough to control. It can be likened to the parking break on your car.  For example a tight hip muscle will restrict hip mechanics during the golf swing. The tighter the hip muscle gets, the weaker it gets. Tightness begets weakness and weakness begets tightness. It is a perpetuating cycle that will continue until the muscle is properly stretched and balanced. A properly executed stretch will tell the body that it is ok to relax, thus “releasing the body’s parking break”.

The Secret To Staying Young!

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The key to lifelong vitality is following the 6 foundational principles.

1. Thoughts: thoughts create emotions and emotions create hormones that affect every cell in the body. You are what you think.

2. Breathing: life begins and ends with breath. Cultivate and control your breathe to control your life.

3. Hydration: The simplest solution to pollution is dilution. Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces.

4. Food: “you can’t make chicken salad out of chicken shit”. Whatever you are eating now is what you’ll become later. Any questions?

5. Exercise: Use movement to know yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. Move in a way that builds structure and function. Do use your body like a rental car or it will get repossessed.

6. Sleep: A true Warrior knows how to rest. Rise with the sun. Sleep with the moon.

Your Thyroid Is Low Even If You Think It Is Not:

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This is a quote from an article written 14 years ago by the late Dan Duchaine and all of his brilliance (that is right I said it). “In most cases when a dieter gets “stuck”, it is because the body’s thyroid levels have been reduced. But this thyroid reduction is not happening where you’d expect: it’s not happening in the thyroid gland. Although some organs (e.g., pituitary and brain) can convert the T4 at the site, most other cells, including skeletal muscle, use T3 that has been converted from T4 in the liver. The primary cause of down-regulation of body temperature in humans is the reduction of T3 thyroid, which is converted in the liver. “

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