The Dangers Of Drinking Morning Coffee!

Filed under Nutrition

2084132521Drinking coffee in the morning on an empty stomach raises cortisol levels that are already high from having been sleeping. If this is done over time it will cause extreme stress on the adrenals glands which will make you tired, increase belly fat, and weaken your immune system. Make sure you eat something before you drink your coffee and it will make a huge difference.

Stuck On The Diet Roller Coaster?

Filed under Diet

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The easiest way to get off the roller coaster is to stop dieting, stop starving yourself, lift weights, focus on improving lean muscle mass, and feeding your body high energy fuel.


What Is Corrective Exercise?

Collage (2)Often times I get asked if one form of exercise is better than another and my common answer is I don’t know. In order for me to give you the best answer that I can I have to know more about your body, your posture, your movement skills or lack of movement skill, and prior injury history. It is only through gathering this information that I can give you the best answer about what the best exercise is for you. This is the nature of corrective exercise it is designing exercise programs that not only improve how you look but how you function and how you feel.

Fix Your Nagging Shoulder By Stretching The Pec Minor

Collage (1)A dead give away that your pec minor is tight is that your shoulders will protrude forward. The head of the humerus (arm bone) will stick out and a bump will appear in the front of the shoulder. In this position every movement that is done with the shoulder will produce irritation and over time will create chronic degenerative changes in the joint.


Mastery of the Primary Golf Movement Patterns

KidneyTaps-smallWhen you break the golf swing down to its simplest form, it is a combination of the bend and the twist. But we both know
that there is more to it than that. If the bend and twist only involved one body segment we’d all be PGA pro’s. Golf is
Rotation! Every joint from the base of the skull to the ankle must be able to twist. The body must be able to bend and twist
gracefully without restriction.

The Answer To This Question Could Save Your Life:

Filed under Diet

Healthy Food

What is the number one thing that you do everyday to make sure you eat healthy? Post your answer below.

Development of General Physical Preparation


Golf requires two types of training. General Physical Preparation (GPP) and Golf Specific Preparation (i.e. learning the golf swing). Your golf pro will teach you how to swing the golf club but if your body will not do what you are asking it to do, it will be difficult to take full advantage of what you are learning. If you want to make learning the skill of golf easier, General Physical Preparation (GPP) will clear the runway and allow you to take your golf performance to new heights.

For more tips visit

Get Out Of Your Head


Einstein said, “No problem can be solved by the same kind of thinking that created it.”

Real change can only happen with action. Thinking about it is not enough because if you are thinking you are using the same mind that created the problem. It is only through action that new habits and new results will show up. #actionspeaks


An Internal Focus


After committing to a shot, a good golfer then places the focus inward. In Monster Golf Swing program, the focus is inside ourselves and not the kettlebell. This allows for superior results. One example is that when doing the kettlebell swing, focus on rooting the feet through the ground rather than lifting the kettlebell with your arms.

If It’s On Your Skin Your Drinking it


Any personal care products that you put on your skin that have unatural chemicals can create metabolic stress. Symptoms can include weight gain, headaches, sex hormone imbalance (estrogen dominance/low testosterone) and thyroid problems just to name a few.

For more information on what chemicals to look for message me on my fan page Terrence Thomas Physical Excellence Coaching!

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