Fat Burning Blueprint: Part 2

Filed under Diet

How We Burn Fat?

Ori Hofmekler in his book Maximum Muscle Minimum Fat, he gives a great explanation as to how the whole fat burning process starts.

This jist of it is that your adrenal glands send a chemical called cAMP to the fat cells which gets it all started. So the variable in the fat burning equation is your adrenal glands to remain functional and responsive. That’s the cliff note version of it.

There are 2 ways that you can insure that this metabolic pathway stays open and active…

1. You can support the pathway with proper nutrition, increasing and decreasing your training loads and volumes at the right times in order to prevent burnout.


2. You can jam the pathway if it’s sluggish or not working at all. The pros to this method is that you do get it working again. The downside is that you risk breaking something in the process.

In other words you kicking a dead horse.

For example: Let’s say you’ve been dieting for 12 weeks and been using fat burners the entire time. Since you’ve been jamming the pathway with stimulants for that long, the pathway will no longer be receptive to any more “jamming”. So you loose the only real benefit to jamming a pathway which is to take your body beyond it’s natural limits.

So what do you do? Increase your fat burners? You could and risk doing some real damage to your system. Or you can focus on method #1, get the same result and come out better on the other side.

Just some food for thought.

Much Chi,

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