Golf Flexibility Tip

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Many of my golf clients are amazed at how their ball striking improves from simply doing stretches. One important piece of advice that I want to give you is not to neglect the flexibility and balance components of your Monster Golf Swing program. A properly executed stretching program will produce fast gains in golf performance and here is why;

A tight muscle is a weak muscle. In the book Stretching and Strengthening, Theime says that sedentary living, repetitive activity such as golf and improper exercise technique can all contribute to tight muscles. Flexibility, strength, and power are intimately connected but flexibility is the gatekeeper to achieving optimal strength and power. Our body has a protective mechanism that does not allow it to move beyond a point that it is not strong enough to control. It can be likened to the parking brake on your car.  For example a tight hip muscle will restrict hip mechanics during the golf swing. The tighter the hip muscle gets, the weaker it gets. Tightness begets weakness and weakness begets tightness. It is a perpetuating cycle that will continue until the muscle is properly stretched and balanced. A properly executed stretch will tell the body that it is ok to relax, thus “releasing the body’s parking brake”.

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