How To Control Your Appetite With Concentrated Nutrition


Food quality is the single most important variable in achieving permanent weight loss. You are what you eat. If you are going to make your body out of coffee, muffins and salads made of iceberg lettuce, your body will be in a constant state of “hungry”. There is a little mechanism in your brain that controls your appetite called the appestat. The purpose of the appestat is to determine if all of your nutritional requirements are being met. Unfortunately the prevalence of processed foods deprived of nutrition has sent most of our appestats into complete chaos. This is why obesity has become an epidemic in America today. Ironically, those who suffer from obesity are probably the most under nourished. This is because their appestat tells them to keep eating because the food in their diet lacks nutritional value. Therefore too many calories are consumed in an effort to get the proper daily nutrients.

The best way to control your appetite is to EAT ORGANIC WHOLE FOOD. Organic food has the highest concentration of nutrients per calorie. Make sure that you are eating a variety of organic produce i.e. fruits and vegetables.

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