Proteins, Carbs and Fats: The Next Evolution (Part II)

Filed under Diet

Moving on to the new school view on carbohydrates, I want to explain how choosing the right types of carbohydrates for your metabolic type is critical.

The standard operating procedure is to take in a fair amount of starches in the off-season and take in little to no starchy carbohydrates as you get closer to competition.

This is a good rule of thumb but let’s take this concept up a notch.

What will determine one’s need for starch is the Carbo-Oxidation rate and Pathway..

Biochemistry 101 tells us that our body will try to produce energy from whatever fuel source that we give it. This is done via the Krebs cycle.

For the sake of simplicity, let’s just say that there are two main pathways that the body can use to get to the energy promised land. Depending on what your metabolic type is, you will have a preferred pathway.
That pathway will require more or less need for starch.

If you happen to be the type that needs more starch, you could conceivably eat starch all the way up to the show IF you know what you are doing. Or at least eat them closer up TO the show as to help you be able to train harder and help preserve muscle mass.

Take this in for now..

more to come.

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