The Real Health Cost of Going Cheap

I saw a TV segment about how the health of Americans is suffering because of the economy.

The general consensus was that the financial stress is forcing many people to settle for the less expensive

Although things may be tight right now for many people, I do believe that with a shift in perspective, you don’t have to compromise on your health.

Consider the following..

1. Organic food may be more expensive than fast food and conventional foods but they keep longer.
You also don’t eat as much because the food is more nutrient dense.

2. Eating quality food will lessen the need to buy all the other stuff associated with the poor quality food such as
laxatives, antacids, breath mints, aspirin, nasal sprays and anything else that is used to treat the symptoms of food additives and preservatives.

I do agree that this is a time to focus on the bare necessities and eliminating the processed food is a great start.

Think about it.

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