Top 5 Immune Hacks

Regardless of how well we take care of ourselves, the stressors of life can sometimes take their toll on us. This is the perfect opportunity for pesky viruses and bacteria to put us down for the count. Getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water and eating a nutrient dense whole food diet that is supportive to your body’s needs is always the first place to start. With that said, having the right nutritional supplements on board and a few health hacks won’t hurt the cause for keeping you upright and out of bed for a week. Consider these techniques an added layer of protection you can go to when needed.  Taking specific nutrients at the right time can mean the difference between just having a small bought of the sniffles and a scratchy throat or getting a full blown flu or strep throat and being out of commission for weeks. The following products and nutrients have worked very well for myself and my clients.

I. Vitamin C

Vitamin C: (1000-3000mg a day for maintenance. 3000-5000 at the first sign of getting sick) Warning! Vitamin C taken in large enough doses will have a diuretic and/or a laxative effect in some people.

Hack #1: Coconut Oil: This is an Ayurvedic technique where you line the insides of your nostrils and the insides of your ears with coconut oil. Coconut oil is antibacterial and anti-viral so having the air that is passing through your nose get treated with coconut oil could disinfect the air that could contain viruses.

II. Essential Oils

Essential Oil Bacteria Killer: This is a formula that I adopted from Dr. Gary Young, founder of Young Living Essential oils. The combination of Oregano, Lemon and Mountain Savory creates a very strong anti-bacterial combination. Current research shows that bacteria is not resistant to essential oils. I personally have not taken an anti-biotic in over 25 years and I feel this combination is one of the reasons why. Take an empty 00 gelatin capsule and then add the oils in the following order:

10 drops of lemon oil,

5 drops of Mountain Savory,

3 drops Oregano.

Close the capsule, shake it and immediately swallow. If you wait to take the capsule the oil will dissolve and you’ll have a bit of a mess on your hands and your house will smell like a giant pizza (that would be the Oregano oil). 

Hack #2: Xylitol Nasal Rinse: I prefer using the Xylitol Rinse over the Saline rinse. It is less irritating and it does a better job of cleaning out the sinuses. Rinse your sinuses to clear out congestion and to possibly shorten the active time of a sinus infection. Use either the squirt bottle or a traditional neti pot to irrigate the sinuses.

III. Andrographis

Andrographis and Ginseng: A fantastic herb that is very powerful and works exceptionally well when you have nasty viruses like the flu. You know the kind of flu that makes you feel like you’ve been hit by a car? The body aches come from the massive amounts of inflammatory cytokines (fancy word for chemical messengers) that the body makes to fight off these types of viruses. Andrographis has also been a great help in fighting off upper respiratory infections as well. According to the Mayo Clinic Book of Alternative Medicine, “A specific product (andrographis combined with Eleutherococcus senticosus a.k.a ginseng) may shorten the duration and lessen the symptoms of common cold.” It also says, “Pregnant women shouldn’t use andrographis because it could terminate pregnancy.

Hack #3: Ear Candling: When it comes to sinus relief and managing sinus related headaches, PRESSURE is the name of the game. Excessive ear wax and mucus buildup can increase pressure in the head and could exacerbate sinus headaches. Clearing out the extra wax with occasional ear candling will relieve pressure in the sinuses by relieving the pressure in the middle ear (ak.a. Eustachian Tube)

IV.Chicken Soup:

Chicken soup contains vitamins A and C, magnesium, phosphorus, gelatin and antioxidants, which are known to build a strong immune system and fight off viruses. The protein from chicken provides amino acids that are used to build antibodies to fight infection.

4a. Bone Broth: Bone broth is rich in minerals that help support the body’s immune system. It contains gelatin and collagen and other healing compounds including glutamine, proline and glycine. Consuming bone broth helps fight inflammation throughout the body and aids the digestive system. Bone broth contains particular substances that are vital in this process. First of all, bone broth contains the amino acids arginine (essential for immune system and liver function), glutamine (which helps with metabolism), and glycine (which aids in glutathione production and also quality of sleep). Bone marrow that liquefies over time as your soup simmers is especially beneficial to the immune system. This marrow will contain lipids, especially alkylglycerols, which are vital for the production of white blood cells. Alkyglycerols also appear in colostrum from mother’s milk and have been found to control cancer tumor cell growth.Making homemade bone broth is quite simple or you can get pre made Organic Bone Broth if you are in a pinch or don’t have the time. Pacific Foods makes a good organic bone broth that I use quite often. (1)

Hack#4: Zicam (homeopathic Nasal Swabs): When I first tried these, I was definitely a bit skeptical because I bought them at the local drugstore but after using them I can definitely say that they work. I was totally feeling that I was going to get a sinus cold and using the nasal swabs for two days nipped it right in the bud. At the first sign of a sinus cold which usually starts out as a sinus headache, I would use the nasal swabs to keep the virus from going full blown.

V. Echinacea

Echinacea: Although the mainstream clinical evidence does not fully support Echinacea’s effectiveness, I can tell you from personal experience that this herb has never failed me. Understanding that everyone is different, it is my opinion that at minimum, Echinacea tea can be used at the first sign of a possible infection or take 1 serving of tea once a week as a preventative.

Hack#5: Air Power ( (Enzamatic Therapy) I believe the original formula had fenugreek as its main ingredient. Now the main ingredient is Guaifenesin, a very powerful expectorant (i.e. a breaker upper of phlegm). If you are suffering from a nasty head cold, chest cold, bronchitis or a post nasal drip, this product should provide you with some relief.

Product links

Vitamin C: Camu Camu

Organic Virgin Coconut Oil: Click here

Essential Oil Combo

Oregano: Oreganol

Mountain Savory: 100% Pure click here

 Lemon Oil: 100% Pure click here

Xylitol Nasal Solution:

Andrographis: Rainbow Light Counter Attack

Ear Candles: Cylinder Works Ear Candles

Bone Broth: Pacific Foods

Zicam Nasal Swabs: Sinus Support. Click here

Echinacea: Pure Synergy

Air Power: Natural decongestant: Enzamatic Therapy


these recommendations are for educational purposes only. They are not intended as a diagnosis,

prescription or treatment for any disease, or as a substitute for regular care under a licensed medical provider.

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